IET With Imalka

Manufacturing assignment

01) 1. what do you mean by safety?

2. What are the reasons occurring accident in the workshop environment?

3. What actions can be taken to minimize the above accidents?

02) 1. With the aid of a neat sketch, name the main parts of a center lathe.

2. Briefly describe, four operations

3. write down the difference in vertical and radial arm drilling machine.

4. List out work holding methods used for drilling machine.

03) (A) 1. List out hand tools used in fitting shop.

2. briefly describe two hand operations.

(B) 1. what are the linear measuring devices?

2. define the terms ‘least count’ and ‘zero error’ in measuring devices.

04) (A) 1. what is casting?

2. define, following terms used in casting process.

(a) Core (b) pattern (c)mold

(B) 1.list out metal forming methods.

2. briefly describe one method which is listed the above

05) 1. give examples for ferrous materials and non-ferrous materials.

2.briefly describe two mechanical properties of materials.

3.plot iron carbon diagram